The Financially Adjusted Business Blog

Nurture your small business with knowledge

Quarterly Focus in Your Business business goals estimated taxes money management payroll quarterly goals Sep 12, 2024

As the seasons change, so do the dynamics of running a business. Just like the four seasons of the year, your business has its own set of seasons—quarters. Understanding how to strategically...

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How to Manage Your Money with Fluctuating Revenue budgeting business goals entrepreneurship estimated taxes money management new entrepreneurs Sep 05, 2024

Running a business comes with its share of challenges, but one that often keeps entrepreneurs up at night is dealing with fluctuating revenue. Whether you’re a seasonal business, a startup,...

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Imperfect Action Gives You Traction budgeting entrepreneurship financial clarity money management Aug 29, 2024

Many entrepreneurs are held back from taking action in business, especially when it comes to managing the finances in your business. Many times, this is due to perfectionism. As entrepreneurs, we...

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How to Be the Boss of Your Own Money! budgeting entrepreneurship financial organization money management Aug 22, 2024

Be the BOSS of Your Own Money: A Simple Guide for Entrepreneurs

As entrepreneurs, we all strive for control—control over our businesses, our schedules, and most importantly, our finances. But...

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Cut Costs Like A Boss money management Aug 08, 2024

As an entrepreneur, especially a new one, managing expenses can feel like a constant battle. With costs piling up faster than revenue, it's crucial to have a strategy in place to get organized and...

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