The Financially Adjusted Business Blog

Nurture your small business with knowledge

Quarterly Focus in Your Business business goals estimated taxes money management payroll quarterly goals Sep 12, 2024

As the seasons change, so do the dynamics of running a business. Just like the four seasons of the year, your business has its own set of seasons—quarters. Understanding how to strategically...

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How to Manage Your Money with Fluctuating Revenue budgeting business goals entrepreneurship estimated taxes money management new entrepreneurs Sep 05, 2024

Running a business comes with its share of challenges, but one that often keeps entrepreneurs up at night is dealing with fluctuating revenue. Whether you’re a seasonal business, a startup,...

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Imperfect Action Gives You Traction budgeting entrepreneurship financial clarity money management Aug 29, 2024

Many entrepreneurs are held back from taking action in business, especially when it comes to managing the finances in your business. Many times, this is due to perfectionism. As entrepreneurs, we...

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How to Be the Boss of Your Own Money! budgeting entrepreneurship financial organization money management Aug 22, 2024

Be the BOSS of Your Own Money: A Simple Guide for Entrepreneurs

As entrepreneurs, we all strive for control—control over our businesses, our schedules, and most importantly, our finances. But...

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How to Stay on Track with Estimated Tax estimated taxes Aug 15, 2024

One of the most frustrating experiences as a business owner is facing a large, unexpected tax bill at the end of the year. But it doesn't have to be this way. In this blog post, we'll cover...

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Cut Costs Like A Boss money management Aug 08, 2024

As an entrepreneur, especially a new one, managing expenses can feel like a constant battle. With costs piling up faster than revenue, it's crucial to have a strategy in place to get organized and...

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Organization is the Base of Your Financial Foundation financial organization Aug 01, 2024

As a small business owner, staying on top of your finances can often feel overwhelming. But with the right organizational strategies in place, managing your business finances can become a smooth...

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Understand the Meat of Your Balance Sheet bookkeeping financial clarity Jul 25, 2024

Today, I want to share a personal story that beautifully illustrates a lesson applicable to both life and business finances.

It's the end of May here in Pennsylvania, and the weather is perfect for...

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Understand Your Profit & Loss Like a Boss bookkeeping report navigation Jul 18, 2024

Understanding Your Profit and Loss Statement: A Vital Tool for Small Business Success

Today, we’re diving into one of the most crucial financial tools at your disposal: the Profit and Loss...

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Get in the Flow with the Right Pros entrepreneurship professional collaboration Jul 11, 2024

Enhancing Your Small Business with the Right Professional Relationships

Today, we're diving into the importance of getting into a flow with the right professionals by your side.

The Power of...

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Your Way to Independence Day entrepreneurship Jul 04, 2024

The Freedom of Entrepreneurship - A Special Independence Day Reflection


Happy Independence Day, fellow entrepreneurs! Today, as we celebrate freedom, I want to reflect on the unique freedoms...

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Transition When You're in a Good Position new entrepreneurs Jun 27, 2024

Transitioning from Side Hustle to Full-Time Entrepreneurship

Many people start their entrepreneurial journey via a side hustle while still working a part-time or full-time job. This is an excellent...

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