The Financially Adjusted Business Blog

Nurture your small business with knowledge

Imperfect Action Gives You Traction budgeting entrepreneurship financial clarity money management Aug 29, 2024

Many entrepreneurs are held back from taking action in business, especially when it comes to managing the finances in your business. Many times, this is due to perfectionism. As entrepreneurs, we...

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Understand the Meat of Your Balance Sheet bookkeeping financial clarity Jul 25, 2024

Today, I want to share a personal story that beautifully illustrates a lesson applicable to both life and business finances.

It's the end of May here in Pennsylvania, and the weather is perfect for...

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It's Your Year to Get Financially Clear financial clarity May 23, 2024

Hello amazing entrepreneur! Whether you're just starting out, have been in business for a while, or are a seasoned entrepreneur, if you're tired of feeling fuzzy about your business finances, this...

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